AStA services

Below you can find short descriptions of our services. Follow the links to find out more. Feel free to contact the AStA staff via e-mail (also in English) if you have any further questions.

AStA office (AStA-Büro)

Joining the university in some ways means entering a whole new universe. Especially at the beginning one can feel lost. How to copy my papers at the library, when to sign up for exams and where to find someone to help me with my problems?
At the AStA-office we provide assistance to all of your issues.
Services at the AStA office:

  • Display of daily, weekly and monthly newspapers
  • Codes for copying and printing
  • Free rental of button-machine and data projector
  • Latest information about the AStA activities
  • Allocation of sports grounds

Team: Aaron, Laura, Kilian & Jess
Office hours: Monday: 10.00-16.00, Tuesday 10.00-16.00, Wednesday: 12.00-16.00, Thursday: 10.00–16.00  Fridays: 10:00–16.00 Uhr
Contact: Tel.: (0421) 218-69733; Fax: (0421) 218-69734; eMail: asta[at]
Office: A2030

German Language Courses (Deutschkurse)
You want to learn German or be a German tutor?
The Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss (AStA) organizes free German courses on different levels. The courses are taught by volunteers. You can find the current schedule on our website. Courses start twice a year around the beginning of each semester and are held weekly. The courses are free and open to anyone interested in learning the German language. However, we cannot issue certificates or award credit points to people who have completed a course. If you have further questions, feel free to contact us per email. You are also welcome to visit us during our office hours.

Contact Person: Neruja
Schedule and Web:

The AISA is an autonomous international students´organ responsible for issues concerning foreign students within and as well as beyond the university´s scope. The AISA serves to give backup and counsel to students in regard of studying as well as the admission procedure, immigration law, health insurance, financial difficulty, social and cultural issues. The principle duty of the AISA is the political representation of the international students.

Advisors: Mehmet Bilgin & Irene Barongo
Political Representatives: Ronel Silatsa & Algül Lokman
Office: A 2060

Social Counselling (BAföG- und Sozialberatung)
If you have any questions or problems dealing with BAföG, unemployment benefits, accommodation allowance, rent, examination matters, social insurance, child and child-raising allowance there is free BAföG and social counselling for students at the University.

Contact: (0421) 218-69727

Office Hours: Mondays/Tuesdays/Wednesdays: 08:30-17:00 Thursdays. 09:00-15:00
Office: A2350

Printery (Druckerei)
The AStA has an in-house printery, that is available for every student and student group at the University of Bremen. We can print flyers, leaflets and posters in black and white or color (up to DIN A3). Please contact us in time to ensure a smooth transaction.

Contact: (via the AStA-Office or):
Tel.: (0421) 218 – 69737

Office hours: Mondays-Thursdays 10:00–15.00

Kinderland childcare-service
The „Kinderland“ is a free childcare offer on the university campus. It is funded by the AStA, the University and the student service. Children are supervised by experienced student assistants in mixed age groups. Except for 15 euros material expenses per semester, the „Kinderland“ is free and open for all parents.
We warmly welcome everyone who wants to join us. If you are interested, please send an email.

Opening hours:
Mondays-Fridays 8:00-18:00


Car and PA-Rental (Kfz- und Musikanlagenverleih)
You are planning to move, go on a trip to a seminar/congress or just a weekend-getaway and therefore you need a big car?
At the KFZ and PA-rental you cant rent big cars as well as a boom box, a generator and stereo equipment for parties and outdoors. Basis for using our KFz or any other equipment is a rental contract, a deposit, your student card and driving liscense.

Opening hours:
Montays 9:00-13:00 Tuesdays 9:00-12:00 Wednesdays 9:00-13:00 Thursdays 10:00-14:00
Fridays and Saturdays by arrangement

IT service (EDV-Beratung)
The EDV department is responsible for the AStA-Servers, the website and can be ask for advice concerning soft-/hardware problems. We are open to every student and everyone seeking help with IT-issues.

Office hours:

Mondays 09:00–14:00
Tuesdays 13:00–17:30
Thursdays 13:00–18:00
Fridays 09:00–17:00

Contact persons:
Nadim, Killian und Lukas

(0421) 218-69729

Self-help Bicycle Repair Shop (Fahrradselbsthilfewerkstatt)
Moin! We are the self-help bicycle repair shop! We can help you repair your bikes by showing you how to fix them by yourselves. Our garage is the white container under the „boulevard“ next to the „Keksdose“. Our service is free but we are pleased about every single donation supporting our work.

Opening hours
Tuesdays and Fridays 10:00-16:00
